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  • Moorsholm in Bloom

St Mary's churchyard - update 2

Last week saw the team of volunteers strim and cut the grass in the church yards - a rota had been worked out so that only one person (or two from the same household) was working at any one time in each of the two church yards. The operation went well and the results from all the hard work were brilliant - attracting much community admiration. Sadly though there is disappointing news. A message was recently received from the Archbishops' Council of the Church of England, who set the ground rules a week ago in giving groups like ours special permission to carry out this limited work. They now report that following "advice" received from the Police this week, they have withdrawn the "permission" and no further work of this kind is to resume until further notice. The Police do not accept that it is within the national Regulations unless the specific task to be carried out is in the interests of preventing harm or damage i.e. an emergency situation. This is unfortunate, but we must now abide by the latest instructions otherwise we are in danger of breaking the law, so for the present time all Moorsholm in Bloom work will again cease until further notice.

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